Our General Objective

To become the foremost organization that births accessible and impactful health tech products and services by training and connecting subject area experts in public health and technical experts who leverage technology to ensure affordable, continued healthcare for all.

About Us

Our Specific Objectives

Young Minds Empowerment

Provide young people with access to high-quality education and training in technology and data science, with a focus on healthcare applications.

Health Tech Innovators Community

Create a supportive community of young innovators in health technology, where they can collaborate, learn, and share ideas and experiences.

Hands-on Healthcare Solutions

Organize bootcamps and innovation labs that provide hands-on training and mentorship to young people, and enable them to develop tangible healthcare solutions.

Collaborative Healthcare Solutions

Engage with partners and stakeholders in the healthcare industry, including healthcare providers, patients, and policymakers, to identify pressing healthcare challenges and develop solutions that address them

Our Projects

Human Expertise Development

We offer tailored-made world-class training in the form of capacity building sessions and workshops on various topics like data science, artificial intelligence, HCD, Computer Vision, NLP and more.

Prototype Development

We facilitate the process and procedure of transforming various public health ideas and concepts to workable solutions.

Health Innovations

Through bootcamps, incubators, and innovation labs, we train and guide young people to design user-centered public health innovative concepts and solutions.


Our team of experts all around the world provide guidance and support for young people to develop various innovative solutions.

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